The easiest way to uninstall SCCM client agent from a computer is using a ccmsetup.exe /uninstall command. However there are alternate methods to uninstall the agent apart from command line and I will cover them in this post.
With client push method, you can easily install or push the SCCM client agent from Configuration Manager console. However to uninstall the agent you can either use a simple command or use ccmclean tool. I will cover both methods in this post.
Info – The SCCM client setup files are located on your SCCM server in the client folder under SMS_SITECODE (\\sccmserverfqdn\sms_sitecode\client\).
When you notice that your Configuration Manager client agent isn’t installed correctly, you may want to remove or uninstall it. The agent reinstall should be also done when there are issues with SCCM client agent installation. You can use one of the below methods to do that.
Method 1 – Uninstall SCCM Client Agent Using CCMSETUP
You can manually uninstall SCCM client agent by running a simple command – ccmsetup.exe /uninstall.
- Run the command prompt as administrator.
- Change the path to client agent location – C:\Windows\ccmsetup.
- Run the command ccmsetup.exe /uninstall.
- Go to C:\Windows\ccmsetup\Logs and open ccmsetup.log file to monitor the client uninstallation.
- Restart your computer after you uninstall the client agent.
Method 2 – Remove SCCM Client Agent Using CCMCLEAN
Ccmclean.exe was a tool part of SMS 2003 toolkit and can be used for the removal of the client. While the SMS 2003 is very much outdated you can still download the ccmclean tool from here. The ccmclean tool version that you download is 2.50.
To uninstall SCCM client agent using ccmclean.exe:
- Download the ccmclean.exe tool and copy it over to the target computer.
- Run the ccmclean.exe as Administrator.
- The tool uninstalls the SCCM client agent and at the end a message box appears “Your system has been successfully cleaned“.
The below message confirms the client agent removal from your computer. Most of all, restart you computer before you install the new client agent on it.