In this post I will show you how to find the Package GUID of SCCM update. It’s pretty easy to do that however for someone who doesn’t know or anyone who is a beginner, this post will help.
When a Configuration Manager update is available, you may never noticed about the package GUID of that update. However the GUID comes into picture in two scenarios.
- When the ConfigMgr Update is stuck in downloading state and you want to use the update reset tool.
- During the release of new hotfix for Configuration Manager.
Whenever an SCCM update is stuck in downloading state, Microsoft recommends using Configuration Manager Update Reset Tool (CMUpdateReset.exe). To use the update reset tool, you must know the GUID of the SCCM update package. That’s because the Package GUID will help you while using the CMUpdate tool to reset the update.
When you have a new hotfix release, sometimes it is applicable for SCCM installs with specific GUID’s. In such cases you might need to know the GUID of the package. Package GUID and package ID are different. For example, a unique package ID is assigned for every application that you created in SCCM.
How to find the Package GUID of SCCM Update
To find the GUID of the SCCM update package
- Launch the Configuration Manager console.
- Navigate to Administration > Overview > Updates and Servicing.
- In the display pane, right-click the heading of one of the columns, then select Package Guid to add that column to the display.
When you select Package Guid, the column appears at end. You may drag the column and bring it next to the update so that it is easy to locate. I hope this post helps you.