Whenever you install Configuration Manager console, there are log files are associated with it. The SCCM SmsAdminUI.log records the local ConfigMgr console tasks when you connect to Configuration Manager sites. While the ConfigMgrAdminUISetup.log records the installation of the Configuration Manager console.
The SCCM admins use the console to manage the Configuration Manager environment. Using Configuration Manager console, you can either connect to a central administration site or a primary site.
Configuration Manager Console Setup Files
You can manually install the Configuration Manager console on any member server or even on a Windows 10 computer. Admins shouldn’t login to the site server and use the console. Instead the console should be installed locally on the laptops.
So where are the console setup files ?. There are two locations where you can find the setup files for SCCM console.
- On Configuration Manager Site server – <ConfigMgr site server installation path>\Tools\ConsoleSetup
- SCCM installation media – <Configuration Manager installation media>\SMSSETUP\BIN\I386
If you encounter any issues during the Configuration Manager console install, you can always refer these log files. Each of these log files record information related to ConfigMgr console.
SCCM Admin Console Logs
The following SCCM admin console log files are located in %ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft Configuration Manager\AdminConsole\AdminUILog on the system running the console.
Within this AdminUILog folder you should find the below log files.
- ConfigMgrAdminUISetup.log – This log file records the installation of the Configuration Manager console.
- SmsAdminUI.log – This log file records information about the operation of the Configuration Manager console.
- Smsprov.log – Records activities of the SMS Provider. Configuration Manager console activities use the SMS Provider.